Everyone knows Urban Decay as one of the best cosmetic companies out. If you never tired it out I highly recomended and today you can try it for a fraction of orginal prices. They are currently on sale on HauteLook (a memebers/invite only website which has various daily sales)- to join follow link bellow. Here are some of the good buys you can find on this sale:
Matte Eyeshadow $17- sale price $5
Cream Eyeshadow $17- sale price $8
Mascara $20- sale price $10
Tinted Moisturizer $32- sale price $10
They also have other great buys...the best thing about this sale is nothing is over $10...so go check it out. You can join for free here: http://www.hautelook.com/invite/NSci154
hello thanks for sharing this! :D